Continuously striving to provide the highest quality legal defense to protect your rights, your license, and your freedom
South Carolina Traffic Violations Attorney, Contact us: (803) 351-3597 or E-mail:
If you have received a Clarendon County, South Carolina speeding ticket, traffic ticket, or any other moving violation while driving through the towns of Alcolu, Manning, Paxville, Silver, Summerton, Turbeville, or speeding through Clarendon County, South Carolina on I-95, do not pay the ticket or appear in Court without first speaking to our experienced SC Traffic Ticket Lawyer. We represent both South Carolina residents and non-residents with the following most common Clarendon County Traffic violations (and all other moving violations): Speeding ticket, No Operators License, Driving While License Revoked, DUI, Open Container, All Insurance Violations, Stop Sign Violations, Stop Light Violations, Reckless Driving, Underage Drinking.
A traffic ticket may seem like a simple matter that you can fight without a lawyer’s help or is not worth the hassle. However, the truth is that many people who fight their own traffic tickets are unsuccessful and can face severe unforeseen consequences as a result. At Nosal & Jeter, LLP, we are committed to helping our clients minimize the impact that a traffic ticket or traffic offense can have on their lives. Experienced attorneys can help you keep costs from rising in the long term and help you maintain your driving privileges and freedom in the short term.
Paying your ticket is pleading guilty … would you really plead guilty to a crime without first knowing the punishment?
Our experienced traffic violations lawyers will let you know the impact of your ticket on your license and insurance, so you can make an educated decision on how best to handle your citation. We are up front with our clients regarding the costs and attorney’s fees and what the likely result will be for our firm to handle your speeding ticket. As a former police officer, Attorney Peter J. Nosal knows the ins-and-outs of traffic law and how to get you the best possible result for your traffic ticket. As few as one speeding ticket can cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket! Don’t Pay your Ticket without first contacting a skilled SC Traffic ticket lawyer today to learn how your Summerton, SC ticket will affect your license and insurance.
“Turbeville is a South Carolina Speed Trap…” Many small towns in South Carolina such as Turbeville do write a large number of speeding tickets and other traffic violations that generate revenue for their local municipalities; however, the judges in these towns are well aware of the reduced speed zone, and a sudden reduction in the speed limit does not excuse speeding in these jurisdictions. Turbeville also has the highest speeding ticket fines in South Carolina. Make no mistake, even if the officer tells you otherwise, a speeding ticket written as a local Turbeville ordinance can still put points on your license and insurance. However, if you do receive Turbeville, SC speeding ticket, call us today to learn how an experienced South Carolina traffic ticket attorney can fight your ticket for you.
Call (803) 351-3597 or E-mail us at now for a telephone or internet consultation that is FREE with no obligation. We will let you know how your ticket will impact your license and insurance, what options are available to you, and a FREE quote of our services for your consideration.
Office hours by appointment: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday.
*Our Fort Mill SC office is our mailing address for all written correspondence.
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